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Unique Philosophy
Proven and Innovative Continuous Improvement (Kaizen) Approach
short story

About Kaizen FitFam

Neynes Ladha is the founder of Kaizen FitFam, an innovative Continuous Improvement (Kaizen) approach to Personal Training. Neynes is a senior executive, working in the City of London, with +15 years’ experience operating at C-level executing significant transformational change. Neynes’ extensive fitness experience and qualifications, personal story, drive and passion for health and wellbeing has resulted in the founding of Kaizen FitFam, whose purpose is to empower you to “Change for Better”.

Neynes and the Kaizen FitFam team

Why Choose Us

The Kaizen FitFam philosophy is a unique blend of Neynes’ professional experiences and cutting edge health, fitness and nutritional training, offering an innovative converged service, bringing the best of both business and personal transformation techniques. With an equal focus on body and mind, our 3 service offerings centre around a mentoring and coaching environment – we differentiate ourselves with our “Kaizen” approach, empowering you to fulfil your potential, achieving sustainable results! We will share with you our magic learnt over the years so that you and those close to you can change for better!

So how about we tell you more about Neynes.

Great Experience

Our service commitment

Fulfil your potential

Whatever your motivation and goals, the Kaizen FitFam approach creates a bespoke and personal plan empowering and supporting you to fulfil your ambition.

Innovative approach

Kaizen FitFam exploits it’s cutting-edge business and sport methodologies and techniques to create a unique approach focused on continuous improvement.

Health and wellbeing

Our mentoring and coaching philosophy of delivering sustainable results is underpinned by its application of mindfulness and personal wellness.


Total lbs lost


Total inches lost


Clients transformed


Years of experience

We Have Magic

We pride ourselves on providing a first-class personal service, a tailored customer experience creating bespoke training and coaching plans coupled with nutritional advice.

We think we’re great at what we do – our clients tell us we are!

Incredible Results

Happy Testimonials

Neynes’s passion for a healthy mind and body is infectious. With an extremely demanding role spending all day in meetings and in-front of a laptop, the opportunity to discharge my stresses with Neynes is a pleasure! Our workouts are always hard work but always fun, encouraging and modified to my needs and ability(!) which means that without realising it, I would achieve what I believed to be impossible. A few months in now and I feel stronger mentally and physically and feel much more balanced in myself.
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T Ahmet - City Exec
As a former equestrian athlete turned pen pusher, I struggle to know what to do in a gym environment. Combine that with a bit of anxiety and low confidence it gets increasingly frustrating wanting to work my body physically, with so many barriers. Neynes is understanding of the barriers I put up, yet is not afraid to push me out of my comfort zones. After only a couple of sessions I feel empowered not only by his knowledge but genuinely enjoyed my sessions with his enthusiastic, authentic sense of humour and fresh ideas. Strongly recommend.
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Siobhan - Ex-athlete
My manager signed me and the team up for the 1 day corporate course. Describing Neynes’ workshop on mental health and wellbeing with 3 words I’d say: refreshing, interactive and insightful. In a fast paced digital world we often overlook factors that affect our performance be that in work and life in general and how we can help ourselves to give our very best in the office and ultimately, to live happier lives. Neynes’ session raised awareness across mental health, mindfulness, and the facets of personal wellness. Full of thought provoking exercises and plenty of examples to relate to, incorporating his technology background too 🙂 He also ensured that we followed through on what we had learned, helping us to each set a personal goal to make the change.
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Javier - Online client
I was apprehensive at first, having tried a variety of training and diet plans, only to revert to old habits. From the first 121 session with Neynes I knew I had made the right decision - great workout programmes and a super nutrition plans. I get to eat larger amounts and my weight is reducing in line with our plans. Thanks to Neynes’ tailored approach, my blood pressure has returned to normal and my resting heart rate has improved by 28%. Healthier, stronger, better understanding of nutrition, more time to spend with my kids and saving money...can't ask for more! Professional and brilliant at what he does.
Hitesh - Business owner / optometrist
I realised I had to make a change when I was unable to play with my son due to shortness of breath…I needed three things, a coach, an environment without feeling conscious of people watching me and help with my complex dietary requirements. In comes Neynes, a truly excellent trainer. Very different to the few I have had before. The consultation went far beyond my expectations, real interest in getting to know me. The plans he created suited my hectic lifestyle perfectly (working mum of 2). Neynes works with the whole person; as a result I feel stronger mentally, emotionally and physically (I’ve worked muscles I didn’t know I had!)
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Jyoti - Busy working mum of 2

Got a question? Get in touch.

    Carpe Diem

    Trust not that everything is going to fall into place for you, don’t ignore the future. Do all you can today to make one’s future better.

    Quintus Horatius Flaccus AKA Horace