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Our Services
How we can help you

Join Our FitFam

We offer an innovative converged service, bringing the best of both business and personal transformation techniques.  We differentiate ourselves with our innovative “Kaizen” approach, empowering you to fulfil your potential, achieving sustainable results! We will share with you our magic learnt over the years so that you and those close to you can change for better!


£65/ session

  • Personalised Pricing: Following your FREE consultation, a package tailored to you based upon your personal goals.  Flexibility includes 121 or training with a partner, training out of our fully equipped gym or in the comfort of your home.

£POA/ event

  • Working with 10 people, 10,000 people or just yourself, mental health and personal wellness in the workplace has never been more important. We design and execute bespoke fun and interactive events tailored to support your corporate goals.
Our service commitment

Our Services

Fulfil your potential

Whatever your motivation and goals, the Kaizen FitFam approach creates a bespoke and personal plan empowering and supporting you to fulfil your ambition.

Tailored to you

‘Cookie-cutter’ training and diet plans are not our thing! Working with you we give a personal experience, listening to your financial, lifestyle and physical needs.

Innovative approach

Kaizen FitFam exploits it’s cutting-edge business and sport methodologies and techniques to create a unique approach focused on continuous improvement.

Piece of mind

Our conversations and any data you share will always be treated with the utmost respect, privacy and confidentiality. Simply put, your data belongs to you.

Health and wellbeing

Our mentoring and coaching philosophy of delivering sustainable results is underpinned by its application of mindfulness and personal wellness.

Fresh & fun

A fun and authentic experience where you will be challenged beyond your comfort zone.

Client Insights

In the spirit of kaizen (continuous improvement) we are always striving to build on and improve our Service Commitments ensuring we are providing our clients a great experience. Our latest results tell us ….

Customer Satisfaction
Relationship and Experience

Time is limited, opportunity is limitless

Inspiring Us

Our Friends